Saturday, March 19, 2011

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

I'm talking a break from my on going writings about Cabo. I want to talk about something I have recently been trying to work on and add to my everyday life. One of my favorite quotes I keep posted up in my bedroom is "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" When I travel I feel like I can do anything. I am untouchable. I can talk to a complete stranger and not worry if they are going to like me or not. I can try new foods and try new activities. I don't know if anyone else is this way but, for me when I am at home I am nervous and shy and worried if I talk to someone new at the bar or mall I might see them again and they might not like me and it will be awkward. Yeah I'm thinking all that. At home in your safe place, you get lazy and don't want to go outside you comfort zone. At home you get in the everyday grind and you go to work, eat, sleep, repeat. You forget that ,there is a whole world out there with different people and different food and way of life. I believe that why most people don't travel more is because of fear. Fear that they won't know how to act or where to go once there, or fear of the outcome.

Yes for some people they can live life not worrying about what someone will think if they laugh real loud or dance like a jack ass. Some people can go sky diving at the drop of a hat. They don't care about "failing." When I travel I am superwoman. I am calm and happy. I want to learn to translate this into my everyday life.
I recently went on a vacation alone. Yes. ALONE. Finally I did it. I knew that I would have to talk to people and step outside my comfort zone of being shy, to make friends and have a good time. I met the most amazing people. I had fun and was myself. I did all this as myself. I would never be this way at home.
I Love "Vacation Heather." She isn't Worried about how to act or whats acceptable. She doesn't worry about work or money.  I want to help others step outside of there comfort zones. If we can be our "Vacation" self everyday, just think how amazing life would be. So fun, so calm.  So I say from here on out "Vacation Heather" will be Heather 24/7. You should try it too. Go on what's that worst that could happen. Just like the quote said, let's live like we could not fail.

Yeah.... this is me. On Vacation. I look so stupid, But... I DON'T CARE. I am having fun. This is me.
So what? 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Bring on Cabo San Lucas: Part Dos!

Cabo is popular for a couple of reasons. Fishing for Marlins, whale watching, the famous archway, and the nightlife(my favorite part.) Now I have never fished,or whale watched in Cabo so I will write about what I know. Lovers beach and nightlife!
                                                Lover's Beach
In the middle of the large rocks by the Archway or Lands end is Lover's beach.  I took a water taxi to lovers beach. Which is only $12 round trip. I have also set up a glass bottom boat ride through my hotel. It was twenty dollars and you are taken to the marina by a bus that picks up people at other hotel and drop's off at the marina. Then you get the Boat and it takes about twenty minutes to get to the beach. This all includes a mini tour of the Archway, "Scooby Doo" rock and the sea lions. Which is a nice way to see everything, I think. When you arrive at Lover's Beach you have to Jump off the boat into the choppy waters and hope that you don't fall on your ass like a idiot. The waves in Cabo are very very big, and the good thing is there are locals waiting to help you off the boat and with your bags. Don't worry, they are just wanting a dollar or two for helping. TAKE IT. Believe me let them help you off the boat so you don't fall under the boat or something. They are good people they are not trying to steal your bags or something. The Glass bottom boat and water taxi are both small boats. If it's your first time I say to the glass bottom boat tour.The water is clear and the fish you can see are beautiful. It's worth it. Once on Lover's beach both boat rides will pick you up at what ever time, every hour they run, so you can stay for a hour or 5 if you want.  It's a pretty quiet beach. Beautiful place to take pictures. Locals love to come here too, when they get the chance.
Lover's Beach
There are also activities like zip line, four wheeling through the dessert, Para sailing, and jet skiing. Personally the best way to set this up is through your activities company at the hotel. Its safer and normally a reasonable price.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Forget Cancun, Bring on Cabo San Lucas!

My first time I went to Cabo San Lucas was in February 2010. Now this was not a intentional trip, I was supposed to end up in Seoul, S. Korea. But as a Flight Attendant and always being on Standby I had to be prepared for anything. The flight to Seoul was oversold so that was a no go. So we looked into what flights were open. It was Cabo san Lucas or Puerto Vallarta. We chose Cabo. After this one three day trip I was HOOKED! I have since been back 4 times and counting.

  Getting Around
When you arrive by air its just like any other vacation spot in Mexico. Going thru the gauntlet as I call it. You come out with your bags and have no clue where to go or what to do. you have twenty men yelling and calling to you and it can be very over whelming. But it doesn't have to be. you can set up a transportation service before hand if you used a vacation company such as Funjet or Apple vacations you can set up a shuttle service to your hotel. Or you can go to Best Day travel and reserve a shuttle to your hotel. These prices vary form $16-$19 one way.
When I go, I have used the EcoBaja tours bus. It is $16 and it drops off at many different hotels. Now this form of transportation to your hotel does take a bit longer but its cheaper then taking a taxi. Also the EcoBaja tours bus you can pick up right as you get into Cabo. No need to get prearranged service. You can also take a taxi. 

Once at your hotel depending on how far you are from the downtown area of Cabo San Lucas you will most likely have to take a taxi into town. There is also a public Bus that is around $2.00 per trip. I have never used the bus but I have heard its safe. But most tourist use the taxis.  The normal price to the downtown area is $12.00. Heather Tip* Most everywhere in Cabo expects US dollars.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Welcome World travelers and future World travelers!

Greetings everyone!
I created this blog for every type of traveler out there. The Dreamer, the expert, and the "Once a year vacation" kinda person.  Seeing the world is something very important to me. Every different city, country,and Continent offers new and wonderful surprises. Different cultures, I believe, can teach you new things about yourself  and about the people around you.
  I am a Flight Attendant for a US carrier that shall remain nameless.. All I will say is that I work for the express side. I go all over the US and parts of Canada. But even though I don't work overseas, I get AMAZING Flight benefits!  So I will be posting fun little snip-its about different Trips in the US and all over the world in months to come. Also I will be posting pictures and airport tutorials.

<3 Heather