Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Eight countries in 2011, What will the new year bring me?

In 2011 I had a good year for travel. I went to a bunch of places I've never been. I went to a couple places I have been. Its ok to have favorite places that you know like the back of your hand. I went to Cabo San Lucas a couple times. Went back to Madrid. But enough about the oldies but goodies, I went to Portugal for the first time! Porto to be exact.

Porto, Portugal

Flew into Madrid first then connected to Porto. Porto is a small town on the beach with a beautiful river running through it. Its know for its port wine. The people where amazing. the food was delicious! And the beach was gorgeous!

I love the old world feel of Porto. The old tile buildings are so beautiful!! Such a treat. I can't wait to go back one day and explore more of Portugal.

My European whirl wind Vacation

I went to Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels this past fall. I didn't really write much about it because I got lazy! But that doesn't mean I didn't Love this trip. I have to say I have never been one to be a freak about Paris. Like I have never wanted to really go there. I felt it was cliche and something every girl in french class dreamed of going. to me I thought "Paris? how cool could it be?" Well I will tell you what.... I fell in love with Paris. It is intoxicating. It seeps into your veins and I couldn't help but love it. You see all the famous buildings and landmarks that you only see in movies and read about in romance novels. To be up close in the presents of the Eiffel tower and the Arc de Triomphe where the Nazis walked under when they took over Paris. Its crazy! All the history, you feel like you already know the city before going. When I saw the Eiffel tower for the first time I teared up. Yep. I did. It's more magical in real life then any photo could show you. 


I also went to Amsterdam. I didn't know what to expect when I got to The Netherlands. All I really knew about Amsterdam was what I read about in the Anne Frank Diary. First off Amsterdam is most defiantly the city of bikes! Bikes EVERYWHERE!!! I'm a bike lover and I found this to be pretty cool! you can rent bikes all over. The funny thing is since everyone bikes, you find random bikes left by the bars at 6am just totally destroyed because they got to drunk to take it home.
Anywho, Amsterdam is made up of many canals that connect the city together. At every turn you're going to waking over a bridge. The city also has some great art museums. The famous Van Gogh museum is there. Of course the Anne frank Museum is there. I had to make a stop there for sure! I was a big fan of the book growing up and going there was very emotional. The wait in line was only about 30 minutes. Not back and well worth the wait.

I can't end my post without talking about the food! Basically the fries. They have food stands all over with fresh fries that you can get any sauce on. Mayo was my favorite!!!
Also the Waffles!!!!! OMG my favorite food every. there is no describing the wonderful sweet taste you get when you bit into one of these puppies! Just promise me you will go and try a waffle?? Way better then the ones in Belgium. Same idea, just better somehow.

In front of the Anne Frank Museum

Brussels, Belgium

I also spent two days in Brussels. Small city, not much to see. Nice. Yummy chocolate, and waffles. Cute men. That's all I really have to say.

I can't wait for what 2012 has to offer! I really wish and hope to go to Manchu Picchu and Singapore. Also Cambodia. As always, I'll keep you posted if Heather was Here!